Category: GDPR


Table of Contents: 1. AI Act and GDPR – How AI Regulations Will Impact Data Protection 2. GDPR and AI…


The application of the so-called Kamilka Act and data protection standards

Table of Contents: New obligations related to the so-called Kamilka Act What to pay attention to when processing personal data…

ochrona sygnalistów

Implementing the Whistleblower Act? Update GDPR!

Table of Contents: Identification of Purposes and Legal Bases Data Minimization Ensuring Data Confidentiality Fulfillment of Information Obligations Data Protection…

Should an agreement on the processing of personal data be concluded with a temporary employment agency?

Table of contents: Who’s Who – the Status of Parties in a Temporary Employment Agency Agreement The Role of the…

Responsibility for GDPR compliance of the acquired company

Table of Contents: General succession of rights and obligations Acquisition of a company that breached GDPR Is the acquiring company…

definicja budowli

Are you subject to implementing the DSA? Don’t forget about GDPR!

Table of Contents: Digital Services Act (DSA) – Scope of Application Who is Required to Implement DSA? Implementing DSA –…

ip box

Data Protection Officer cannot substitute the Controller

Table of Contents: Inspection of DPO’s Activities – 27 Questions Checklist Irregularities in the Functioning of DPO What Are the…

Czy każde zamówienie to zamówienie publiczne?

The conclusion of a contract and consent to the processing of personal data

The contract serves as the fundamental legal instrument regulating relationships between various entities. Even if it is entered into between…

Is it necessary to obtain consent to receive a newsletter?

Translation to English: Mailing is a very common marketing tool, serving as a bridge to establish closer contact with potential…

fundacja rodzinna

The use of children’s images for promotional and marketing purposes

In the era of social media, communication with the audience is done through images and short videos such as “shorts”…