Category: IT new technologies

A part of a computer program is also considered a computer program within the scope of copyright law and tax law

Table of Contents: What is the legal definition of a computer program? Does a part of a computer program constitute…

Jak przebiega procedura uproszczona połączenia spółek?

Whether using a trademark in a negative comment can infringe on intellectual property rights?

What are the rights of the owner of a European Union trademark? According to Article 9(2) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1001…

Sygnaliści – jest projekt ustawy!

The emoji “👍” as a symbol of accepting the terms of the agreement

Canadian Court Recognizes “Thumbs Up” Emoji as Contract Acceptance On June 8, 2023, the Court of King’s Bench for Saskatchewan…

znak towarowy

When performing job duties, be careful about the inquiries you direct to artificial intelligence (AI)

Is there artificial intelligence? The term “artificial intelligence” refers to applications that perform complex tasks such as online communication. Artificial…